
Valorant Agent 28 Waylay: Abilities, Ultimate, and More

The Valorant community has been playing Jett and patiently waiting for a new strong, team-leading duelist for a long time. That wait is now over as Valorant agent 28, Waylay, makes her way into the game. This prismatic character shines with her flashy skills and counterpunch whenever she is in a fight. Labeled as the “space taking duelist” by June Cuervo, the Game Designer at Riot Games, Waylay is here to snatch the role Jett or Raze played in your team comp. So, if you want to master Waylay in Valorant, keep reading to learn all her abilities.

All Valorant Waylay Abilities Explained

Saturate (C)

Image Credit: Riot Games/ Valorant

Waylay launches a swift burst of light that detonates on impact. As soon as it detonates, the Hindering debuff will be applied to enemies. This will cripple the enemy with a strong movement and weapon slow.

Saturate is the ideal initiation ability for a duelist like Waylay. While this ability is similar to that of Neon, the debuff is different from concuss. Moreover, the activation speed is faster and it detonates once. If you are entering sites, using this ability can push enemies to fight back or retreat.

Light Speed (Q)

Light Speed Waylay ability
Image Credit: Riot Games/ Valorant

Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine seeing an ability better than Jett’s dash in Valorant. Well, I’ve been wrong today. The Light Speed ability in Waylay’s kit lets you activate the prismatic energy within yourself. Once activated, you can jump upwards and sideways.

You must press the FIRE button twice for a double-dash forward. If you want to use it once, press the ALT FIRE button for a single dash. Only the initial dash can be directed upwards. This ability changes how Jett and Raze are picked in the game.

Refract (E)

Waylay Refract ability
Image Credit: Riot Games/ Valorant

Waylay can use the ability button to mark a location with a light beacon (start point). This will start a timer for you on the screen. Before that timer runs out, press the ability button again to instantly teleport back to your original marked location as an invulnerable streak of light.

The ability combines Chamber’s quick teleporting with Yoru’s anchor teleport. Also, it is very similar to Fade’s ability in Apex Legends Mobile, if you are familiar with it. Through this ability, Waylay can jump out of battle whenever it is a risky situation.

Convergent Paths (X)

Convergent Paths
Image Credit: Riot Games/ Valorant

Valorant’s new duelist doesn’t bring an insane damage-dealing ultimate ability. Instead, she makes sure the enemy is not on the same level of excellence as her.

Here’s how Waylay’s Convergent Paths ability works – Activate to channel your prismatic energy after looking in a direction. Can be cast through walls like Breach Concuss or Phoenix Wall.

After activation, unleash a luminous afterimage that fires a beam. Following a short delay, you surge forward with enhanced speed. As the beam expands and hits enemies, it applies the Hindering debuff on enemies in the line of the beam, disrupting opponents within its radius.

And that’s everything you should know about the abilities of Waylay, Valorant’s latest duelist agent, who is coming later this week. Learn when Waylay will be released in Valorant if you are excited to play her. What do you think about her ability kit? Do tell us in the comments below!

Ishan Adhikary

A gaming nerd who cover all thing video games. Spending time looking through the games and gaming industry was always a dream. Thanks to Beebom, I live it. Once I am done gaming, I write. Once I am done writing, I game.

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